Zanshin-Kai Aikido
Zanshin-kai Aikido was founded in 2002 by sensei Patrick Palmer. At the time, the dojo was based at the local college and catered for the whole community in the Sutton Coldfield area, but students travelled from as far a field as Lichfield and Tamworth.
Our new dojo for 2023, Zanshin-Kai (Worc) is based at the St Swithun's Institute in Worcester city centre. We have a dedicated junior class on Wednesdays (17:30 - 18:30) followed by an adult class. We also plan to introduce a late Monday sesssion (Spring 2024) to cater for those who work late.
Our Kidderminister club is based at Wyre Forest Leisure Centre, Kidderminster. Formed in 2016 it acts as a satellite club to our organisations HQ (Goshinkai) catering for beginners to intermediate levels in the Worcestershire and surroundng areas.
Zanshin-Kai Aikido dojo's are a members of Go Shin Kai association, affiliated to world aikikai headquarters (Hombu) and are members of the British Aikido Board (BAB).